Tours to Cambodia

I am the first Easyrider to make a tour to Cambodia also. I have done this tour only once in January 2014 and realised, what a beautiful country this also is. If my customers want to go to Cambodia, I can help them or go with them. Just bringing them from Danang over the border in Pleiku to Ban Lung (only 2-3 days) or doing a longer tour in Cambodia - going back to Vietnam or leaving you in Cambodia. 


We can discuss any plan you want to do - I am flexibel and if you are adventurous, we can start this tour together: I am very much looking forward to it!


Different Tours in/to Cambodia

From Pleiku (or from Danang 2 days more) we can cross over to Cambodia near Ban Lung. From there we drive south to Sen Monoron, where you can visit the Elephant Valley Project or enjoy the cool of the Cambodian Highland. From here we can drive back to Vietnam or drive on to Kampong Cham, which is a lovely place at the Mekong with some nice Pagodas. You want to drive into the buzzling city of Phnom Penh? No problem: I know a very nice Hotel, where you can stay - or we drive back over the boarder to Ho Chi Minh. 


If you want to stay longer in Cambodia, we could drive north to Kratie and the Irriwady Dolphins and back to Ban Lung/ Pleiku. 


10-Day-Tour (4-5 days in Cambodia): Danang - Pleiku - Ban Lung - Sen Monorom - back to Nha Trang in Vietnam


16-Day-Tour (8 days in Cambodia): Danang - Pleiku - Ban Lung - Sen Monorom - Kampong Cham - Phnom Penh - Ho Chi Minh


8-Day-Tour in Cambodia: Pleiku - Ban Lung - Sen Monorom - Kampong Cham - Kratie - Stung Treng - Ban Lung - Pleiku (For Danang-Pleiku it takes 2 days)


10-Day-Tour (8 days in Cambodia): Danang - Pleiku - Ban Lung - Sen Monorom - Kampong Cham - Kratie - Stung Treng - Ban Lung - Pleiku

Useful and important information for travelling in Cambodia

It is very easy to get a Visa for Cambodia at the border. But you need a multiple entry Visa for Vietnam if you want to go back to Vietnam as it is not possible to make a Visa for Vietnam at the Border.